Paper submission
- The upload service for both initial submissions and final papers is Easychair.
- Initial submission should be done in PDF format (do not use PDF-eXpress service on that stage). The information on the authors of the paper should be excluded from the initially submitted PDF as the double-blind peer-to-peer reviewing will be provided for the papers.
- The papers should be full 4 to 6 pages long and should meet the IEEE manuscript requirements.
- The working language of the conference is English, which will be used for all of the printed materials, presentations and discussions.
- Special awards will be given to the most highly evaluated student paper.
- All the accepted papers presented at oral or poster sessions will be submitted to IEEE Xplore database and other Abstracting and Indexing databases. Previous workshop proceeding were cross-referred in SCOPUS and Web of Science et. a.
It is important that you use the provided Paper template
Please refer IEEE Taxonomy for the keywords